Sunday, February 5, 2012

DIY Photography Studio Equipment - Reflective Umbrella

Uploaded by  on Oct 19, 2009
DIY Photography Lighting - Reflective Umbrella

Saturday, February 4, 2012

DIY Photography Backdrop

Uploaded by  on Nov 5, 2010
A short guide on creating a do-it-yourself backdrop for photography purposes.

I am an amateur photographer, even more so green with video and not a "handy" person. This project was simple to work on and can be done by anyone with the inclination.

Feel free to leave feedback in the comments and thank you for watching!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Home Made Soft Box

Uploaded by  on Aug 3, 2009
size: 40x37cm

1 big box carton (I used a Styrofoam carton)
tin foil
single use white tablecloth
Stanley knife
Pencil for Drawing

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Soft Boxes 101: A Lighting Lesson

Uploaded by  on Jul 28, 2011
By Jay P. Morgan.
This Video is all about Soft Boxes. There are many misconceptions about what Soft Boxes do and how to use them. This is the scientific look at the area of coverage and light quality of the different sizes of Soft Boxes. Using this knowledge you will find it easier to decide which size Box to use to achieve your desired lighting result. After this lesson you should know what size of Soft Box to buy and the basics of how to use it. Thanks to Photoflex for providing the Boxes for this test. There is much to learn on this subject so we will visit it again. Keep on click'n! Jay P. Morgan

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Simple 3 Hard Light Setup: A Lighting Lesson

Uploaded by  on Apr 7, 2011
Jay P. Morgan Photography.
In this lesson we will look at lights that don't have any soft boxes or light modifiers. I used heads with reflectors only. In the right setting and with the right subject this can look very good. We did cheat and use 3 pieces of foam core and one umbrella, but looking back now we could have not used the umbrella and been fine. We were shooting Katie Lohmann for a different shoot and she suggested the super Girl outfit. At first I was a little reluctant until I looked at some comic book art and started to see the shot. Things came together and the thought of shooting with hard light was very appealing to me. I was very happy with the outcome.
The video was shot on the Canon 5D, 7D and using Red Rock micro rigs.